- Family Circles Diagram
My first big project emerging from my genealogy hobby.
- Fagan Finder
Search and other web tools and information about web searching.
Began in 2000 as my personal home page, open to the public in 2001, and very active until 2003.
I made some updates in 2010, 2017, 2019, and 2020.
Past projects
- Repairathon
- An organization I started that runs free public events in Toronto, where anyone can bring clothing to be repaired by volunteers. It’s still running, but I am no longer very involved.
- Waste Nothing
Waste Nothing makes it easy to find out how best to use and dispose of unwanted items,
by combining information from municipalities, non-profits, residents, etc.
- Event-Participant Manager
- Web-based open source application for coordinating events, built initially for Not Far From The Tree.
- Quizify
Flashcard-like study tools, based on one I built to help myself with a university course.
I went through several prototypes but ultimately closed the project.
- OpenSearch
I worked on this as part of a winter 2005 internship with A9.
OpenSearch is a specification for machine-readable search information, now widely used.
- UWhub
Both a search engine for the University of Waterloo, and an attempt to make a general search application that could be tailored to other uses.
Developed mostly from May 2005 to April 2006.
- The Futurama Icon Page
My first substantial website, 1998 to 1999.