I’ll be offline for a couple of days.
On a different note, if anyone is reading this blog expecting to get updates about Fagan Finder, they should be subscribed to the Fagan Finder blog. This one's more about random stuff :-)
Ray Lesser's Columns - today I thought of the term "garage sale economy." This is the only result that search engines find for that query (in quotation marks).
Sebastian comes to Toronto, and a meeting is born.

Kaveh on the left and Hossein (Hoder) on the right

Sebastian and Melanie

Me on the left and Joey (Accordian Guy) on the right
It was great meeting everyone. Previously I only knew Sebastian and knew of Hossein and Joey. I'm certainly glad to have met them, but also Melanie and Kaveh. I don't know if it'll stick, but I'm now subscibed to Melanie's blog. This was actually my first time meeting someone that I only knew online. It was definitely great to be able to speak about topics and people surrounding the blogosphere, and have someone actually know what you're talking about. Gotta love the highly intelligent look on my face in that photo. I also think I'm the first one of us blogging this :-)
24HOURDOTCOM - found via
Blogdex, I haven't looked fully into this, but it's interesting for several reasons. It is, quite literally, a dot-com which was founded and "IPO-ed" within 24 hours. Currently going for over $700 USD on eBay. The actual "
business," is a website with functionality that I've seen elsewhere (and indeed have coded myself several times in at least two programming languages), however they have added an almost
social aspect to it, which is really neat. I believe that if held by the right people, this could really become a neat application.
Vote SMS - Italian gov. sends SMS to all 57 million Italians with GSM phones, reminding them to vote. That is the way to do it!
pc4media - I just started reading Peter Caputa's blog about a week ago (or four, I've got a bad memory), but I'm liking the direction he's been going in lately. And as soon as I decided to blog this, I realized that I may actually
earn some money in the process ;-)
Infinity ago I started working on a
Quotations Search page. I still haven’t finished it, but if I waited for that, it would never go
live. So it is online now; enjoy.
Actually, one of the biggest delays was because I kept getting distracted and reading quotations... especially from The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy ;-)