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Tag Archives: forfb
Joint Declaration by Canada and France
Back in 2008 I wrote about Hossein Derakhshan’s arrest in Iran. It’s been about six years since I met him in person. He sat in prison for about two years without charges and a few months ago was sentenced to … Continue reading
Tagged blogfather, canada, foreignpolicy, forfb, iran
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Toronto Election Polls
Following up a bit on my recent post, it seems I’m one of the data points in the latest Nanos Research poll (PDF). While my vote is still undecided, the one thing I do know is that my least-desired choice … Continue reading
Tagged election, forfb, poll, toronto
Toronto Elections 2010
I’ve been largely ignoring all news about the Toronto mayoral election until it suddenly dawned upon me that I can vote this time, given my recent move back to Toronto. Better get informed… Election website is here. The date is … Continue reading
Tagged election, forfb, toronto, torontomayor
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On being laid off from Microsoft
So I got laid off from Microsoft on Wednesday. I wasn’t really bothered about the job, as I wasn’t happy with it already and had been looking to find something else for quite a while. The unfortunate part is that … Continue reading
Canadian Asbestos Exports
So I already knew that despite asbestos being banned in Canada (among many other places), we still export it to countries with poor health and safety regulations, which I find pretty horific. I was watching a CBC news segment on … Continue reading
Tagged asbestos, canada, chrysotile, forfb, petition
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WhiteHouse.gov’s New Robots.txt
WhiteHouse.gov’s New Robots.txt – geeky, but this perfectly symbolizes the differences between the two administrations
Tagged forfb, obama, robotstxt, transparency, whitehouse
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Waterloo, Part 4: Keeping Up
A lot of people have asked how it is I keep up with everything going on at UW. My response is that actually I only keep up with less than one percent of what goes on, and doing so actually … Continue reading
Tagged forfb, news, uwaterloo, uwrecap
Waterloo, Part 3: Geo Stuff
Okay, so I am cheating a bit here. Rather than writing a new post, I’m linking to a page on my wiki where I have been collecting links for several years already: mfagan wiki / waterloo geo stuff. Back when … Continue reading
Tagged forfb, gis, local, maps, universityofwaterloo, uwrecap, waterloo, waterlooregion
Right to Quiet Society – Home Page
Right to Quiet Society – Home Page – listening to Sounds Like Canada this morning and they were talking about sound pollution, something that bugs me infinitely. The link goes to a website they mentioned, for what may be the … Continue reading
Tagged forfb, frenchlaw, ipod, mp3players, music, noise, pollution, sound, soundslikecanada, volume